Movie Acting

1988Mahabarata, by Peter Brook
1996The Pillow Book, by Peter Greeneway, film selected for the Cannes Festival
The eyes of Asia, by Joâo Mario Grilo, film selected at the Locarno Festival
1998Felice, Felice, by Peter Delpeut, film selected for the Rotterdam Festival
1999Autumn Flowers, by Shunshuke Ikehata, Grand Prize at the Benodet Festival, France film selected for the Montreal Festival. Awarded prize for Best Supporting Actor by the Mainichi Competition
2000Taxi 2
By Gérard Krawczyk
Directed by Luc Besson
By Gérard Krawczyk
Directed by Luc Besson
By Jean-Pierre Limosin
2006Le Concile de Pierre
By Guillaume Nicloux
2010Last Ronin 最後の忠臣蔵  
By Narimichi Sugita
By Martin Scorsese
2017Nov. Japanese Film Last Recipe 
By Yojiro Takita
 ラストレシピー麒麟の舌の記憶 滝田洋二郎監督
2020「駅までの道を教えて」橋本直樹監督 Film « Show me the way to the Station »
By Naoki Hashimoto
in Japan, South Corea, China, Taiwan
2021Adieu Paris
Directing by Edouard BAER