1955 | Started to work as an actor in Japanese cotemporary theatre in theatre groop BUNGAKU-ZA then GEKIDAN-SHIKI |
1968 | Meet with Peter Brook, recommended by Jean-Louis Barrault. First work on an experimental staging of The Tempest by William Shakespeare, adapted by Peter Brook, Round House, London, England. |
1970 | Joins the International Center for Theater Research, C.I.R.T., directed by Peter Brook. |
1971 | Orghast By Ted Hughes Directed by Peter Brook Persepolis, Iran. Publicaton of Orghast at Persepolis by A.C.H. Smith, Eyre Methuen, 1972 |
1972 | Stayed in Africa with Peter Brook. Publication of Conference of birds, the story of Peter Brook in Africa, by John Heilfern, Methuen Drama Editions. |
1973 | Conference of birds (first version) Directed by Peter Brook Brooklin Academy of Music (B.A.M.), New York, U.S.A |
1975 | The IKS From book of Colin Turnbull Directed by Peter Brook Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Paris, France and world tour. |
1979 | Conference of birds (second version) The Bone Adapted by Jean-Claude Carrière Directed by Peter Brook Festival d’Avignon, France and world tour. |
1985 | Mahabharata Adapted by Jean-Claude Carrière Directed by Peter Brook Festival d’Avignon, France and world tour. |
1990 | The Tempest By William Shakespeare From a translation by Jean-Claude Carrière Directed by Peter Brook Festival d’Avignon, France and world tour. |
1993 | The Man Who From the work of Olivier Sachs : The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat Directed by Peter Brook Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, France, and world tour. |
1995 | Qui est là ? Theatrical research by Peter Brook Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, France and European tour |
2003 | Il n’y a plus de firmament By Joseph Nadj Théâtre Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland and european tour. |
2004 | Tierno Bokar Directed by Peter Brook Duisburg (Germany), Barcelona (Spain), Sao Paulo, Belo Horrizonte, Porto Allegre in Brazil, Lille (France), Bouffes du Nord (Paris) ![]() |
2005 | Yotsuya Kaidan (the ghost of Yotsuya) Written by Tsuruya NANBOKU Directed by Jossy Wieler Tokyo,Munich,Wiena,Holand |
2008 | Shun-Kin Novel By Junichiro Tanizaki Directed by Simon Mc Burny Tokyo, London, Paris, Taiwan |
2010 | King Lea By William Shakespeare By Frederic Ruymen Bruxelles Belguim |
2011 | Fragments By Samuel Beckett by Peter Brook Theatre de Sartrouville, Roma and USA |
2014 | SAN NIN KICHIZA By Mokuami By Kazuyoshi Kazumi Coccon KABUKI, Tokyo, JAPAN |
2016 | Voyage à Tokyo By Ozu By Dorian Rossel Suiss, France |
2018 | The Sea of Fertility 豊穣の海 Written by Yukio Mishima Directed by Max Webster Kinokuniya Southern Theater, Tokyo Japan |
2019 | Oedipus By Sophocles Directed by Matthew Dunster Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon, Tokyo, Japan |
2020 | Modern Noh Le Tambour de Soie (title previsoire, En Avant-Premiere) Inspired by Noh and Modern Noh of Yukio Mishima Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Amiens, France Le Centquatre, Paris, France |
2021 | Sleeping Librement inspiré du roman Les Belles Endormies de Yasunari Kawabata Directed by Serge Nicolaï |
2022 | 4 questions à Yoshi OIDA (Festival d’Automne)
Creation and directed by Maxime Kurvers |
2023 | Jeanne Writen and directed by Yan Allegret |
2024 | Un Cri Terrible – Déchire le ciel Writen and directed by Robin Roland |