Theatre Acting

1955Started to work as an actor in Japanese cotemporary theatre  in theatre groop BUNGAKU-ZA  then GEKIDAN-SHIKI
1968Meet with Peter Brook, recommended by Jean-Louis Barrault. First work on an experimental staging of The Tempest by William Shakespeare, adapted by Peter Brook, Round House, London, England.
1970Joins the International Center for Theater Research, C.I.R.T., directed by Peter Brook.
By Ted Hughes
Directed by Peter Brook
Persepolis, Iran.
Publicaton of Orghast at Persepolis by A.C.H. Smith, Eyre Methuen, 1972
1972Stayed in Africa with Peter Brook. Publication of Conference of birds, the story of Peter Brook in Africa, by John Heilfern, Methuen Drama Editions.
1973Conference of birds
(first version)
Directed by Peter Brook
Brooklin Academy of Music (B.A.M.), New York, U.S.A
1975The IKS
From book of Colin Turnbull
Directed by Peter Brook
Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Paris, France and world tour.
1979Conference of birds
(second version)
The Bone
Adapted by Jean-Claude Carrière
Directed by Peter Brook
Festival d’Avignon, France and world tour.
Adapted by Jean-Claude Carrière
Directed by Peter Brook
Festival d’Avignon, France and world tour.
1990The Tempest
By William Shakespeare
From a translation by Jean-Claude Carrière
Directed by Peter Brook
Festival d’Avignon, France and world tour.
1993The Man Who
From the work of Olivier Sachs : The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat
Directed by Peter Brook
Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, France, and world tour.
1995Qui est là ?
Theatrical research by Peter Brook
Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, France and European tour
2003Il n’y a plus de firmament
By Joseph Nadj
Théâtre Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland and european tour.
2004Tierno Bokar
Directed by Peter Brook
Duisburg (Germany), Barcelona (Spain), Sao Paulo, Belo Horrizonte, Porto Allegre in Brazil, Lille (France), Bouffes du Nord (Paris)
2005Yotsuya Kaidan (the ghost of Yotsuya)
Written by Tsuruya NANBOKU
Directed by Jossy Wieler
2008Shun-Kin Novel
By Junichiro Tanizaki
Directed by Simon Mc Burny
Tokyo, London, Paris, Taiwan
2010King Lea 
By William Shakespeare
By Frederic Ruymen
Bruxelles Belguim
By Samuel Beckett by Peter Brook
Theatre de Sartrouville, Roma and USA
By Mokuami
By Kazuyoshi Kazumi 
Coccon KABUKI, Tokyo, JAPAN
2016Voyage à Tokyo
By Ozu
By Dorian Rossel     
Suiss, France
2018The Sea of Fertility   豊穣の海 
Written by Yukio Mishima
Directed by Max Webster  
Kinokuniya Southern Theater, Tokyo Japan
By Sophocles
Directed by Matthew Dunster
Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon, Tokyo, Japan
2020Modern Noh   Le Tambour de Soie  (title previsoire, En Avant-Premiere)
Inspired by Noh and Modern Noh of Yukio Mishima

Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Amiens, France 
Le Centquatre, Paris, France
Librement inspiré du roman Les Belles Endormies de Yasunari Kawabata
Directed by Serge Nicolaï
20224 questions à Yoshi OIDA (Festival d’Automne)

Creation and directed by Maxime Kurvers
Writen and directed by Yan Allegret
2024Un Cri Terrible – Déchire le ciel
Writen and directed by Robin Roland